Angel dust is a commonly used name for the popular illegal stimulant drug phencyclidine (PCP). The drug was invented back in the 1950s. The original idea behind it was for PCP to be used as a surgical anesthetic. It was called Sernyl and was widely used. However, doctors soon recognized its side-effects. After its use, patients would suffer through mania, hallucinations, and irrational thinking. This led to the use of PCP to be discontinued back in 1967. After that, the only use of Sernyl, or PCP as we now know it, was limited to veterinary use.
During the 1960s, people started hearing about this new drug that appeared on the streets. The drug was called angel dust. It was, in fact, PCP being illegally sold under the name of angel dust. Killer joints, ozone, hog, elephant tranquilizer are some of its other popular names.
In 1979, any legal manufacturing of PCP in the United States had been discontinued. Today, angel dust is recognized as a Schedule II controlled substance in the United States. As such, it is illegal to produce and/or consume angel dust in any way. Any usage, production, and distribution of angel dust will lead to imprisonment in the United States. However, the United States, especially Southern California, remains to be the biggest manufacturer of angel dust.
Angel dust is a white crystalline powder. It has a bitter taste, and it quickly dissolves in water and/or alcohol. PCP is also available in the form of capsules and tablets. There are many different ways in which one uses angel dust. The most popular way seems to be to smoke it in the form of marijuana cigarettes dipped into a PCP solution. Users may also snort it or swallow it, depending on the form of the drug. There are even plants such as mint, marijuana, and parsley that are sprayed with angel dust and later consumed.
Shortly after consuming angel dust, multiple neurotransmitters in the brain are being affected. The reuptake of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, is inhibited. The action of glutamate is also inhibited. Small doses of angel dust will cause the brain to disconnect from normal sensory experiences. On the other hand, larger doses may excite the same receptors.
The first effects appear 30 to 60 minutes after oral ingestion. Smoking leads to almost immediate effects. The effects can last anywhere between 4 to 6 hours, depending on factors such as age, gender, weight, dose, method of use, etc. But, returning to a normal state can also take up to 24 hours as well.